International Escorts
International escorts are escorts who can travel in terms of visa, passport and availability, some girls despite have visas cannot travel because they have either educational or professional commitments here in London which they have to attend; however if they are on a break or holiday, travelling becomes a possibility.
We believe in doing things right, we will only encourage travelling to countries where escorting is legal and there is economic and social stability to safeguard their safety. Travelling includes more than just international, travelling can also be domestic travelling to other parts of UK, such as Scotland, Ireland, Wales and other parts of England. We prefer you choose a girl that you have met before but it that is not possible we will try to make sure you know as much you can about the girl in advance to avoid disappointment, we will assist you and help you with all the necessary arrangements too.
Specific Terms and Conditions do apply to international bookings so everyone is clear and can manage their expectations. Feel free to call us or email us if you would like to know more about international or long distance domestic bookings.